All posts by Admin

Strange behaviour when calling form

I was building an extended search form for one of our customers. When called from one form everything worked fine, but when called from a second form my grid only contained one record… Exact same parameters, same menu item etc. When looking around I found that when the error occured, I was calling from a form which had same table (InventTable) as one of it’s main Data Sources. This is one of the non-documented features in AX, if same table exists in the Data Sources in both forms, AX tryes to link them together. To break this connection I had to call ClearDynaLinks() on the second form. Like below, in my search form’s init method.

void init() 

How to extend your editor in Axapta

The editor in Axapta is as easy to extend as the rest environment. If you check the class EditorScripts, you see a list of methods which is standard. In this example we add a little script which marks your inputed extra code. We always mark all added or changed code, to make it easier to see afterwards what’s added and what’s standard. By doing this it is also makes it very easy to search for all code related to a certain project. This code is an example of what we all use several times a day.
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