DMF – Error occured while doing bulkcopy from temp table to entity table

This is a generic error message you get in data migration framework from time to time.

Error occured while doing bulkcopy from temp table to entity table

I have found that the reason for this could one of many. This is the ones I have encountered.

1. You are migrating records that include duplicates. Maybe there are two products with the same ID.

2. I used Excel to edit my source files. When I’m done editing I save them as tab separated files that I then use in DMF. Sometimes you get empty records at the end that creates this problem.

To avoid this use Ctrl-(Minus sign) instead of just delete when you remove records in excel.

3. Your data contains incorrenct values. I had one product once where the product ID started with “*”, the DMF did not like that one bit.

Have you found any other sources for this problem?

This is based on DMF Beta(1).

Last 5 posts in Data Migration Framework

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